Richard Klugh was appointed by Judge Rosenbaum before her transfer to the Court of Appeals. During our initial meeting, he curiously asked me what I had done to receive a high, maximum sentence within the sentencing guidelines from Rosenbaum. This question struck me as odd because I believed that the legal system was obligated to adhere to the laws. Unfortunately, Richard Klugh consistently refused to carry out the legal tasks I had requested. He denied my motion for release pending appeal, which is my constitutional right, and even went so far as to falsely claim in one of his letters that there are no trial audio recordings in federal court.
After Kristy Figueroa Contreras absconded with my money, I filed a petition with the Court of Appeals to have Richard Klugh removed from the case, as I intended to represent myself since I had already been coerced into trial. However, despite the evidence of Richard Klugh defrauding me present in his letter, the court denied my request to remove him from the case and rejected my plea for self-representation. It is evident that Richard Klugh was intentionally assigned to my case with the sole purpose of sabotaging my appeal, a goal he unfortunately accomplished. In this video, I also discuss the mistreatment my mother endured in court and how she was denied medical attention, putting her life at risk.
Richard Klugh filed a complete and frivolous appeal brief, disregarding all the valid grounds I had presented in my own brief. It is clear that his actions were part of a coordinated effort, with Rosenbaum overseeing and coordinating everything from the Court of Appeals.
Rogerio Scotton was this weekend (August 2022) talking about the fraud, torture and judicial execution in which he was subjected in 2012 after having divorced his ex-wife Cirlene Santos. Cirlete Santos teamed up with Andrea Vanbrunt (wife of FBI Argent Roy Vanbrunt) and Rosangela Duarte to destroy the race car driver's life and career. Access and see all evidence and the true facts of this corruption judicial that took 8 years from Scotton.
On this passing Sunday, race driver Rogério Scotton was live answering questions from friends and fans about the false accusations made against him in 2012. Scotton explained what Mail Fraud is and the rules to convict someone for this crime, which never existed in his case. Scotton still fighting for justice. Neste domingo de passagem, o Piloto Rogério Scotton esteve ao vivo respondendo perguntas de amigos e fãs sobre as falsas acusações feitas contra ele em 2012. Scotton explicou o que é Mail Fraud e as regras para condenar alguém por esse delito, no qual nunca existiu em o caso dele. Scotton ainda lutando por justiça.
Rogerio Scotton was this weekend talking about the fraud, torture and judicial execution in which he was subjected in 2012 after having divorced his ex-wife Cirlene Santos. Cirlete Santos teamed up with Andrea Vanbrunt (wife of FBI Argent Roy Vanbrunt) and Rosangela Duarte to destroy the race car driver's life and career. Rogerio Scotton esteve neste fim de semana falando sobre a fraude, tortura e execução judicial a que foi submetido em 2012 após ter se divorciado de sua ex-mulher Cirlene Santos. Cirlete Santos juntou-se a Andrea Vanbrunt (esposa do FBI Argent Roy Vanbrunt) e Rosangela Duarte para destruir a vida e a carreira do piloto de corridas.
Thousands of Brazilians are deported from USA in violation of human rights. Shackled hands and foot. Brazilians are removed from USA and strained with shackles for more than 3 days. That also was done in front of numerous children's'. Avião com brasileiros deportados sofre pane a caminho de Confins Segundo relatos, passageiros foram mantidos algemados por 72 horas e entraram em pânico. Na última quinta-feira (15), 110 brasileiros deportados dos Estados Unidos embarcaram de Houston, no Texas, com destino ao aeroporto de Confins, em Belo Horizonte. Durante o voo, a aeronave sofreu uma série de problemas técnicos, sendo forçada a pousar em Miami, na Flórida, e em San Juan, em Porto Rico, retornando aos Estados Unidos na segunda-feira (19). Segundo informações obtidas pela reportagem do AcheiUSA, os passageiros ficaram cerca de 72 horas algemados dentro do avião. “Por motivos de segurança operacional, a ICE não comentará ou detalhará os cronogramas associados às operações de transporte projetadas”, respondeu o Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), agência de imigração norte-americana, na noite de quinta-feira (22). De acordo com o depoimento de brasileiros que estavam no voo, a aeronave começou a apresentar problemas técnicos ainda em terra, no Texas, obrigando os passageiros a aguardarem a bordo por cerca de duas horas, com mãos e pés algemados, até que o avião estivesse em condições para decolar. No trajeto, a aeronave apresentou novamente problemas técnicos e parou em Miami, na Flórida, com suspeita de vazamento de combustível. Os passageiros foram mantidos a bordo por mais um longo período até o avião ser liberado. Saindo da Flórida com destino ao Brasil, a aeronave perdeu velocidade, chegando perto de cair no oceano Atlântico, segundo relatos. “O avião chegou muito perto da água. A gente pensou que iria morrer”, disse Felipe Augusto, em áudio enviado para a redação. “Todo mundo entrou em pânico, inclusive pessoas da tripulação”, contou Hacalias Barbosa da Silva, brasileiro capturado na fronteira de Ciudad Juárez, no México. “Mesmo com todo mundo em pânico e mulheres chorando, os agentes mantiveram a gente algemado o tempo todo”, afirmou. Em San Juan, os passageiros não foram autorizados a sair do avião e presenciaram conflitos entre o piloto e agentes de imigração do ICE. “Ficamos muitas horas presos dentro do avião, sem ar condicionado, enquanto eles tentavam resolver o problema”, contou Felipe Araújo do Nascimento, que estava a bordo. “A gente viu os agentes de imigração discutindo com pessoas da tripulação, tinha até uma aeromoça chorando”, contou. O piloto foi substituído e, em vez de seguir com destino ao Brasil, o voo retornou para os Estados Unidos, dessa vez para o Arizona. Até a publicação desta matéria, não haviam informações oficiais sobre uma nova data de deportação para os brasileiros que estavam no avião.
On March 22, 2022, Scotton made a phone call to the Southern District of Florida inquiring on the status of his petition for habeas corpus filed on December 11, 2017 which still waiting for Judge Williams ruling. The Court's employee suggested that Scotton should file a motion to inquire such from the judge. This judicial system is far broken. THIS DELAY IS UNPRECEDENTE.
Almost 10 years later, Race Car Driver Rogerio Scotton is still looking for a way to receive justice and to put the people involved in this conspiracy to have their own day in court, for fraud, defamation of character, conspiracy and for destroying part of his life. More than ever, with several evidences that clearly show his innocence, Race Car Driver Scotton asks for the community support and its followers so that the case takes strength in the media. Please support Scotton and say no more injustice!
See the first part of the real story on how the race car driver Rogerio Scotton was wrongly accused, unfairly and judged and fraudulently convicted of a non-existent offense. Rogerio was physically and mentally tortured and drugged for 8 years on of GEO Group private prison, called D. Ray James. This was done in an attempt to prevent him appeal or expose such corruption.
See the first part of the real story on how the race car driver Rogerio Scotton was wrongly accused, unfairly and judged and fraudulently convicted of a non-existent offense. Rogerio was physically and mentally tortured and drugged for 8 years on of GEO Group private prison, called D. Ray James. This was done in an attempt to prevent him appeal or expose such corruption.
IN THIS NOTE, YOU CAN SEE THE IMPARTIALITY OF JUDGE Rosenbaum who lied on the record and she contradicts herself. On August 23, 2013, Agent VanBrunt went to Broward County detention to intimidate Scotton and try to stop him from taking the case to trial and accepting the guilt. Saying that all his friends and his wife would testify against him and that if he did not accept the guilt, he would put Scotton's own mother as a stepfather in jail. On August 26, 2013, the prosecutor presented during a hearing to Scotton a letter with an agreement to accept the guilt due to the agent's illegally visiting. the final lines of this letter mention the case of GLIGIO vs. UNITED STATES AND TELLS THAT WIFE'S YEAR'S WITNESS WILL IMPICT HER AT ANYTHING.
DURING THE JUDGMENT Scotton asked his wife if she had received immunity. The prosecution at this hour stood up shouting that nothing had been offered to the witness. Scotton presented this letter of August 26th and the judge called the 2 to the sidebar, outside the presence of the jury. When the judge saw this letter, she was surprised and angry because she saw the prosecution's failure. But even so, he angrily said that it was a type of immunity and that the prosecution would have to fix the situation before the jury.
At this point, the prosecution started asking questions containing the answers to Scotton's wife, who raised and objected.
At the end of the story, the judge allowed the prosecution to lie to the jury that the wife did in fact receive immunity and that she was never obtained by the court. Even because in the sidebar the prosecution even told the judge that he would not have given immunity to his wife. More like the judge heard her say one thing and the letter spoke another, the judge let the juror be deceived.
Another situation was when the Agent hindered a testimony to testify after he illegally called her. During the time Scotton was asking the agent questions at the trial, the oath agent said he had not called the witness and had not spoken to the witness. When the judge herself called the witness to ask why he did not appear in court on his scheduled date, the witness confessed that the agent had called and had talked to him.
It was then proven that the agent lied about an oath, however below the objections made by Scotton, nothing was done. The worst was when the judge in her note falsely says that the agent called the witness at Scotton's request to facilitate his appearance in court. Which is in fact clearly false and a lie of the judge because Scotton would have his investigator Nina Martines and standby lawyer Jason Kreiss to do the same. Of course, that was the way the judge managed to cover up the fraud. However, he never offered any evidence that shows that Scotton had asked the prosecutor for any favor including bringing his witnesses to court. Scotton was no longer judged but exulted. Please share this case and this fraud. Help Scotton.
Numerous orders denying Scotton his constitutional rights without explanation within court regulations and federal law standards which the law require. Judge Federico Moreno is an open and admitted racist. Scotton sued this judge and after he filed a request to the appellate court under laws 455 145, that judge was removed from the case due to bias. Sharing this video with others!
So many witnesses that stated that this man was at Florida during the time the crime were committed. No weapon, no video, no nothing, just the normal rat convicted making deal with the prosecutor to lower his own sentence time so they could have an conviction against another innocent man.
There is no tax payer money that could pay this man for his 20 years lusted.
The devil himself in the form of people, George Zoley, the man who knows how to pay politics, prosecutors and judges as well as and immigrants within all of his 126 facilities in the United States, all paid for with taxpayer funds. He's the best bribery man money can buy. Even Donald Trump changed Obama's decision to close all private prisons for no more than $ 22 million.
The devil himself in the form of people, George Zoley, the man who knows how to pay politics, prosecutors and judges as well as and immigrants within all of his 126 facilities in the United States, all paid for with taxpayer funds. He's the best bribery man money can buy. Even Donald Trump changed Obama's decision to close all private prisons for no more than $ 22 million.
on 6 occasion, Scotton attempted to file his petition for judicial review and the Clerk of the court best excuse is that had never received. 🐄 🐮 🐄 🐮 🐄 🐮 🐄 .
Scotton filed on the Southern District of Florida, on December 11, 2017, his habeas corpus pursuant to 28 U.S.C. section 2255. After only 4 days after the motion were filed, Judge Federico Moreno clear showed bias and denied Scotton’s petition without any explanation under law. Scotton file 4 different motions requesting the bias Judge to correct the intentional error. All 4 motions denied without further explanation. Scotton took the issue to the Eleventh Circuit. The Appeal Court vacate Judge’s Moreno decision and reversed the case. Scotton prove that said judge was bias and requested the Courts to withdraw Federico Moreno from the case. Thus, a federal Judge was removed from the case were Scotton asked and proved bias. The section 2255 was reopened but still pending since the current judge seating on the case refuse to do what the law required her to do. Dismiss the case with prejudice due to many constitutional violation and prosecutorial misconduct.
Attorney Kristin Figueroa Contreras was payed to represent Scotton during his direct appeal. Something that Contreras have not done. After Scotton and his family requested the back the funds on many occasion without success, Scotton submitted a complaint for the Florida Bar. Kristin Figueroa Contrea have refuse to return the money and further created a false agreement and false affidavit to the Florida Bar, suggesting that she as payed to assist Scotton and something different basis his direct appeal. Scotton attempted to get the Court involved. The Court have done absolute nothing suggesting not haven jurisdiction since Contreras have never submitted to the Court her NOTICE OF APPEAR to represent Scotton. Clear proof that she have never provide to Scotton any legal assistance. Scotton also contacted the States Attorneys Office and Mr. Perikles, a state prosecutor promises to investigate. So far nothing was done. Scotton began tell his history to the public under all his social media channel, after that Contrera began to pay back the money she illegal took from him. Still today 35,000 has not been payed back to Scotton. Contreras suggested that she have to pay only $25,000 from the $60,000 she took on the first place. And this does not count with the damage she cause Scotton who have served extra prison time and was deported from the USA without due process.
Today March 25, 2021, Scotton receive a letter notification from the Eleventh Circuit stating that his petition for judicial review were denied due the fact that the Court do not have jurisdiction. This because the prosecutor informed the Court that Scotton deportation was cancelled. Therefore, his petition should be dismissed because there is no more dispute for the Court to resolve. After 3 final deportation order lodged against Scotton, he was handcuffed, shackled, taken during 3 straight days from Georgia, to Louisiana, to Texas, Puerto Rico and finally Brazil with only his clothing on his back. No money, no ID, no phone, no nothing. All this after Scotton lived on United States for over 3 decades as a good productive man on our community. And our politics has the guts to come on TV to say that the US judicial system is the best. Yep, the best in torture people and violate all the rights they have it. Please enjoy Scotton cause people. We cannot accept this inhumane behavior from government officials any longer. Scotton is innocent, his case is nothing, but a revenge of the agent’s wife friends against him for divorce this bitch Cirlene santos or Cyrlene Santtos as was mentioned under her social media.
FOR MANY YEARS, IMMIGRANTS ARE LEARNED AT THE BORDER OF MEXICO AND EXCHANGED IN THE STOCK EXCHANGES ON WALL STREET. WHAT PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW IS THAT THIS HISTORY OF CRISES AT THE BORDER IS A LIE AND TOTALLY ILLUSIONAL. CREATED ONLY TO DEVIATE TAXPAYERS’ ATTENTION FROM AN INHUMAN, DISGUSTING AND CORRUPT REALITY. MAYBE SOME PEOPLE AMONG ALL OF THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MUST WANT TO END THIS IMMIGRATORY PROBLEM. However, most OF THEM are not. It is nothing new that the GEO Group shines WITH DOLLARS several politicians every year WHICH has been stated and proved by numerous articles published by different newspapers. If the system continues with this mentality of thinking that it is ok to exchange life on wall street, this problem will never end. In fact, you can place a wall there in the border from the ground until the haven, I guarantee that someone will corrupt an Angel so that he would let the immigrants enter so GEO Group and politics continuing to profit of the broken system. More ironic is to see many politicians who receive money from the GEO Group on TV complaining and saying that there is currently an immigration crisis on the border of Mexico. Hypocrisy!! Deceiving people with false information to cover-up such dirty and to cheating taxpayers from the truly reality. People are imprisoned for more than a year under a civil case. All this on taxpayers’ resources. Over 6 billion of dollars are injected into GEO Group who kick back some of this taxpayers’ funds to politics. Worst of all now, these people are dying inside those GEO Group facility for being infected with Covid19. For Senator Cruz to say that this is an inhuman act to me is ironic because he knew all times what is going on. In my case I was placed in one of the GEO Group facilities, full of people contaminated with COVID19. Three (3) months later I was illegally handcuffed in shackled for 3 consecutive days and was transported as a consumption meet, from Georgia to Louisiana, to Texas, to Puerto Rico to arriving in Brazil only having clothes on my back, after living in the USA for 33 years and helped this community as a professional race car driver.
RACE CAR DRIVER ROGERIO SCOTTON TELLS Judge Kathleen M. Williams that the American justice system is just riddled with lies and inconsistencies on a 45-minute video posted by him, on this April 3, 2021. Scotton reviews to federal judge William, facts and evidence regarding the allegations lodged against him and the level of corruption that this case was taken to obtain his conviction. Under his 45 minutes video, Scotton demands the Judge to do what the law require her to do and asked the Judge not to allowing any politics pressure from outside to depriving her from applying fair justice as well as to forbit anyone from place their thumb on the scale of justice.
RACE CAR ROGERIO SCOTTON DIZ a Juíza Kathleen M. Williams que o sistema de justiça americano está repleto de mentiras e inconsistências através de um vídeo de 45 minutos postado no YouTube neste dia 3 de abril de 2021. Scotton analisa fatos e evidências para a juíza federal das 29 alegações apresentadas contra ele e o ultrajante nível de corrupção que o seu próprio caso foi levado com o intuito de obter sua condenação. Declarando em seu vídeo de 45 minutos, Scotton pede que a juíza faça o que a lei exige que ela faça, e pediu que a juíza não permitisse pressão política de fora interferir suas decisões para privá-la de aplicar justiça e para proibir qualquer pessoa de colocar o polegar na escala da justiça.
Congress woman was charge with a federal offense. During a deliberation one jury made twice a comment that the holy spirit told him that the woman was innocent. The Judge remove the jury from the case. On the Appeal all Judges including Rosenbaum agreed that was abuse of discretion to remove the jury from the case. On Scotton case, the same Judge Rosenbaum removed a jury that didn't like immigration, refuse to remove a jury that stated that she was afraid for her life to stay on the case because the day before she had provided to much information and refuse to remove another jury that search the case on the news papers despite that such was prohibit by the judge herself. All this took place on the second day of the five week trial. Then why the Eleventh Circuit had not rule the same for Scotton. THERE IS NO MANY EVIDENCE AND CONTRADICTORY SITUATION UNDER SCOTTONS CASE. THIS IS CLEAR ABUSE OF POWER, FRAUD UPON COURT AND EVIL CONDUCT BY THOSE THAT FALED TO DO WHAT IS RIGHTS, JUSTICE! Uma congressista foi acusada de um crime federal (fraude). Durante uma deliberação, um júri fez duas vezes um comentário que o Espírito Santo lhe disse que a mulher era inocente. O juiz remove o júri do caso. Na apelação, todos os juízes, incluindo Rosenbaum, concordaram que foi abuso de discrição para remover o júri do caso. No caso Scotton, o mesmo juiz Rosenbaum removeu um júri que não gostava de imigração, recusa-se a remover um júri que afirmava que ela temia sua própria vida porque um dia antes havia fornecido muitas informações pessoais que não foram pedidas por ninguém e a Juíza se recusa a remover outro júri que revisou o caso nos jornais, apesar de que tal era proibido pela própria juíza. Tudo isso aconteceu no segundo dia do julgamento de cinco semanas. Então por que o Décimo Primeiro Circuito não reverteu o caso de Scotton pela mesma razão? Existe no caso de Scotton muitas evidências de sua inocência assim como fraude conduzida pelo agente foi FBI, sua esposa, Scotton ex-mulher, promotoria e a corte. Cadê a tal justiça e direitos iguais que USA tanto vende nas redes sociais?
SCOTTON RECEIVE TODAY A MESSAGE FROM A FRIEND ON FACEBOOK INQUIRING IF HE HAVE GIVEN UP ON HIS FIGHT FOR JUSTICE. SCOTTON HAVE NEVER GIVEN UP ON ANYTHING IN HIS LIFE BEFORE AND WILL NOT BE NOW. EVERY DAY SCOTTON Spent hours researching case, laws, interviewing individuals, obtaining new evidence and talk to numerous different attorneys. For him, this fight for justice is not over until his conviction is overturned and those that damage him would have, they day in Court also. Therefore, the answer is no, the fight continues each day. Evil will not win this one. SCOTTON RECEBE HOJE UMA MENSAGEM DE UM AMIGO NO FACEBOOK PERGUNTANDO SE ELE DESISTIU DE SUA LUTA POR JUSTIÇA. SCOTTON NUNCA DESISTIU DE NADA EM SUA VIDA ANTES E NÃO SERÁ AGORA. TODOS OS DIAS SCOTTON PASSAVA horas pesquisando casos, leis, entrevistando indivíduos, obtendo novas evidências e conversando com vários advogados diferentes. Para ele, esta luta por justiça não acaba até que sua condenação seja anulada e aqueles que o prejudicam tiverem seu dia em tribunal também. Portanto, a resposta é não, a luta por justice continua todos os dias. O mal não vai ganhar.
Scotton talks about what just has became and shows the proof!
For 20 years, a falsely accused Chris Tapp served time in prison for Dodge's rape and murder while authorities searched for suspects that matched DNA left at the crime scene. In 2017, Tapp's rape conviction was repealed, and he was released from prison. Over the course of Tapp's sentence, authorities continued searching for remaining suspects, partially at the insistence of the murdered girl's mother, and in 2014 accused Michael Usry Jr. of rape and murder. Tapp said in 2019 after a judge vacated his conviction. "They were wrong. I want people to know that I am innocent. I have said it for the past 22 years. Finally, the truth is being revealed. this man served 18 years of his life in prison, and he has already committed the crimes of which he was accused. This legal system will continue to destroy the lives of innocent people like Chris and Scotton until the authorities are severely penalized for their crimes and negligence. This case is a clear evidence of injustice even more than after the victim's own mother could see that Chris was innocent, only his rape conviction was reversed, but that of the killer continued until the authorities managed to transfer the blame to someone else. That to me is totally disgusting. Well, I am still here fighting for my innocence without much luck and without any help from friends, family, or the community that I helped so much. But I know that God oversees everything and everyone, my victory is coming. Psalm 91.
Scotton will soon lunch a lawsuit against USCIS due that numerous acts of misconduct, fraud made by USCIS officials toward his application I-485, breach of contract, racism, discrimination as well as violating Scotton’s constitutional rights and due process. There is plane evidence that FBI agent Vanbrunt engage with USCIS officials to present Scotton from his rights and to deny him unlawfully his I-485 application. Some of the e-mail obtained through investigation clear shows that the FBI agent have manipulated USCIS officials to have them deny Scotton his rights without any reason. Scotton immigration case under his I-485 took almost 3 years, constantly he was told that his case was pending without any further information. Truth, USCIS officials from the Oakland Park field Office have lie and misled Scotton. There was no reason under the law to delay his application. Rather, such was done to fulfill agent Vanbrunt desire to destroy Scotton’s life. In fact, documents were forgery by the agent and prosecutor with the only intent to have Scotton’s rights denied. Please share this video and support Scotton by subscribe to his channel.
On many occasions, the agent, Roy Vanbrunt who is married to Andrea friend of Scotton ex-wife, have accused Scotton to engage on sham marriage with his wife Aylin Mollinedo. During the bail hearing the agent was asked by attorney Friedman whether or not he had asked Ms. Mollinedo if she engage on an sham marriage. The Agent testified that didn't asked Ms. Mollinedo that question. However, he testified that Ms. Mollinedo stated that she told him that she no longer LOVED SCOTTON, that she had BEEN LIVING APART FROM HIM FOR SOME TIME. Still on the bail hearing the prosecutor and agent Roy Vanbrunt stated that Scotton was illegal in US and that his application with immigration was denied. All this in order to have bail denied. Furthermore, the prosecutor introduced a forgery letter suggested to be substantial evidence that along with the agent testimony, Scotton immigration status were cancel. Here, the evidence clear shows that the letter was not authenticate, no date, no signature. Moreover, the emails clearly show Agent Roy Vanbrunt intervening on Scotton immigration status, requesting that INS denied such. Mr. Scotton immigration status was denied two days later after his bail hearing, despite the agent and prosecutor affirm with false evidence that was already denied. However, March 31, 2012 was Saturday, a day that the government is complete shutdown. Before Scotton marriage with Aylin he has a O1 visa, an I-140 approved, his US citizen brother apply for him on two occasion which Scotton decline for personal reasons, and finally Scotton' US mother applied for him and since 2019 continued to be approved.
For the first time Scotton's mother talk about her son's case and what he suffered during that time. Scotton's mother who is an American citizen left the United States at the age of 76, due to the terrorism done against her family and because of the illegal and unlawful deportation of her son which was done on May 13, 2020. This is the new US government which terrorizes its own US citizens and force them to abandon their own country.
Professional NASCAR and Le Mans Driver Rogerio Scotton talk about the corrupted Federal Judicial system and case which he was falsely charged of an non-existent offense. Scotton will reveal how his perverse ex-wife revenged him for the divorce and how she conspired with the FBI agent Roy Vanbrunt and his wife Andrea Vanbrunt as well as Rosana Duarte.
Renata Moreira Moura and Marco Moura 2 Brazilians who violated several federal laws in the USA and were allowed in exchange for lying and helping Rogerio Scotton's conviction. Renata entered the USA on a tourist visa and passed her stay, making it illegal in the USA. Her husband Marco Moura had his visa denied on 2 occasions at the American embassy in Brazil. So, he entered illegally crossing the border of Mexico and lived like this, illegal for several years. In 2011, Edson Porto, another Brazilian and a friend of Renata's, made his divorce through a power of attorney in Brazil with Marco Moura. Therefore, it established its first fraud even with the Brazilian government. Renata and Marco then proceeded with their conspiracy in which Renata paid John Mezentsef $ 10,000 to have him marry her to obtain legal status in the USA. During her immigration process, Renata became pregnant with Marco, and in order not to raise suspicions with the USCIS (immigration), they decided to put the name of John Mezentsef in the Child. Ironically the creation was named after the two, John Marco Mezentsef. Several times Renata took her son to Scotton's store, "the merry mailman". During Scotton's trial, Renata fell into contradictions in which it was clearly established her fraud to object to immigration status in the USA through a fraudulent marriage to John Paul Mezentsef who received $ 10,000 in profit for her fraudulent marriage, thus partnering on the conspiracy of a federal crime. The prosecutor's office, aware of Renata & Marco's crimes, used this situation as a dramatic weapon to force Renata to falsely testify against Scotton. Brazilian authorities should investigate the couple who obtained a divorce certificate through fraud. First Brazilian couple who defrauded the American federal system, obtaining citizenship through fraud.SHOW LESS
Professional NASCAR and Le Mans Driver Rogerio Scotton talk about the corrupted Federal Judicial system and case which he was falsely charged of an non-existent offense. Scotton will reveal how his perverse ex-wife revenged him for the divorce and how she cospired with the FBI agent Roy Vanbrunt and his wife Andrea Vanbrunt as well as Rosana Duarte. More information @ O piloto profissional da NASCAR e American Lemans Rogério Scotton fala sobre o corrupto Sistema Judiciário Federal dos EUA e a sua falsa convicção de uma offensa inexistente. Scotton revelará de como sua perversa ex-mulher se vingou dele por se divorcia dela e como ela conspirou contra ele junto com o agente do FBI Roy vanbrunt e sua esposa brasileira Andrea Vanbrunt e Rosana Duarte.
ON MARCH 2, 2021, Scotton filed his response and objections against the report issued by the magistrate judge. After more than 3 years asking the South Florida court for several public records, the court has partially released some. In this video you will all be able to see how taxpayers are harmed every day in federal courts. Attorney Stuart Adelstein alleges in his trial note that alleged legal services allegedly provided data to Scotton. In which previous videos have proven that such a statement is in fact false. In addition to the bill, the lawyer Adelstein claims to have spent 38.3 hours reviewing such discovery CDs, the same CDs that Scotton proved to be genuine in trial. Even more so in his collection note he charges the court for 26 hours of visits with Scotton, another statement proven to be false. The other lawyer Kreisses claims to have spent 42 hours reviewing the already proven empty CDs. And during the sentencing hearing, the lawyer declares that he has not reviewed any discovery CDs. Here, too, there is a Court document that shows that Agent Roy Vanbrunt himself declares that he created the spreadsheets. During the trial he suggested that FedEx, UPS and DHL provide the spreadsheets. Right there follows a glaring evidence that the Agent, his wife and Scotton's ex-wife conspired to put him in prison after his divorce with Cilene Santos. Already on the social network, Cirlene Santos has been trying to hide by changing the name to Cyrlene Santtos. Requests to all of you to share this judicial shame, and support the race Car driver Rogerio Scotton. go to for more information!!!
A person who follows me here on the Facebook, asked me today why I keep sending him the link ( ). Well, my answer could only be one. During my career as a racing car driver, I always asked to help thousands of people. In fact, several photos posted here clearly show that I helped the Children's Cancer Hospital, PetSet, Crime Stoppers, which is an agency against criminal organizations, the Miami Police and Adventure Department, schools, churches and more. So, since all that and what I did during my time, here I am, after suffering injustices for more than 8 years, I decided to ask the communities for help, in which,, I have always helped. Maybe, I may even be mistaken, maybe the street I went from helping others, is unique and against the hand, that is, there is no help for those who helped before. Furthermore, as I have always believed and always followed what God always asks us to do, I have always helped and continue to help my neighbor. So, that is why my followers receive some communications with this link and other notifications. I AM STRUGGLING AGAINST AN INJUSTICE OF A Wicked SYSTEM OF JUSTICE IN THE USA. But if there is anyone else bothering to receive notifications from Scotton Racing, please block us, we are not here to harass anyone, but just to ask for your help. So feel free to block us at any time. And may God bless you all.
US Citizen, Marina Colon, recently left the United States after her son Rogerio Scotton was unlawfully and illegally deported from the United States. Under this video, Scotton sites that his mother vote on President Biden and demand justice for what was done to him and to his mother. Cidadã americana, Marina Colon, recentemente deixou os Estados Unidos depois que seu filho Rogerio Scotton foi ilegal e ilegalmente deportado dos Estados Unidos. Sob este vídeo, Scotton mostra que sua mãe vota no presidente Biden e exige justiça pelo que foi feito a ele e sua mãe.SHOW LESS
Race Car driver Scotton demand Justice from the president of United States. Scotton asked the President under this video if he will conspire with the fraud that was committed against him and his family, and/or if the president will do something about. Scotton was falsely accused of a non-existent offense of mail fraud and false statement by a corrupted FBI agent who became obsessed with Scotton after the agent's own wife request him to revenges Scotton for divorce her friend. Scotton US mother left United States recently after her own son, Scotton was unlawfully deported.
Scotton was removed from the US like a undescribed animal. Handcuffed and shackled for 3 straight days and dumped in Brazil with only his clothing on his back, after living and contribute with the USA community for over 33 years. Scotton now demand the president of United States to do something about it. To investigate or to have the president administration to investigate the case. Because what was done to Scotton from March 15, 2012 until today is totally outrageous, unprecedent, unlawful and unconstitutional. Mr. President Biden, Scotton and his US mother is entire to due process, they are entire to equal protection under the US constitution and to a fair judicial process.
Race Car Driver Scotton is raising funds under Spot,, and under with PayPal account, to retain a team of respectful attorneys to help him reverting the injustice done to him and his family and to lodge a law-suit to those the have cause so much pain and losses to him. Please be part of this important cause and send your message to those in charge of the judicial system. O Race Car Driver Scotton está arrecadando fundos no Spot, no Paypal account under para reter uma equipe de advogados respeitosos para ajudá-lo a reverter a injustiça feita a ele e sua família e a entrar com uma ação judicial contra aqueles que causaram tanta dor e perdas para ele . Faça parte desta importante causa e envie sua mensagem aos responsáveis pelo sistema judiciário.
Hi my followers, putting this video here so you can see that there are numerous cases of unpunished injustice in our society. these acts could not exist today. However, we are to blame for this because we are not wanting to know or care less about the next person's life. Didn't Jesus speak to love one another as he loves us? what happened, did we lose faith in God, did we forget the one who suffered for us? Or is it that we are so selfish that we don't want to know about anyone other than ourselves. The problem with this is that when the injustice happens to you or someone you care about, it may already be too late to scream. Now and then, the problem is facing the society we live in and an end to that has to be given. Share this video and come to support Scotton's cause.
Most the time prosecutors insist on conviction then doing the right thing!
How many more this corruption will be allowed!
"Wrongfully Convicted (feat. Jamal Trulove) is a gripping and emotional exploration of the deep flaws in the justice system that leave countless innocent individuals behind bars. Jamal Trulove, who spent years in prison for a crime he didn't commit, is a powerful voice and advocate for those who have been wrongfully convicted. His story highlights the systemic failures, including police misconduct, racial bias, and a judicial system more focused on convictions than justice. The documentary sheds light on the emotional, psychological, and social toll that wrongful convictions take on individuals and their families. Despite having years of their lives unjustly stolen, victims like Jamal often receive little to no acknowledgment or apology from the system that has wronged them. Meanwhile, those responsible for these miscarriages of justice frequently escape accountability, leaving a devastating trail of ruined lives. Jamal’s story is not unique, but a reflection of a broken system that continues to destroy lives while remaining largely unpunished."
How to give 29 years back to someone???
A nine-year-old girl was totally tortured by several white police officers. Rallies are not working. How many have been since the last 4 years? How many immigrants and African Americans have already died at the hands of these demons called policemen. Who will police the police! Where does it end?
Issac Wright Jr. On Overturning His Wrongful Conviction & "For Life"
This is a kind of example that these people should not be appointed by life as judges. They make mistakes. It is absurd to put these people on the bench to bring God and decide the life of another human being. if a president has a 4-year term, because the Judges are different.
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